Swara Bhaskar’s upcoming Anaarkali of Aarah is the latest film to be hit by piracy. Few scenes of the movie appeared online on Tuesday, which are actually deleted from the movie in the final cut. The scenes are quite bold in nature and keeping in mind Cental Board of Film Certification’s habit of truncating pieces in the film, this decision would hardly surprise many.
The director of the film Avinash Das was upset with the leak and told a leading daily, “It is sad. I now fear the entire film might be leaked online before the release. If the censored copy of Udta Punjab could be leaked, the threat looms large for my movie as well. I had no clue about this. I got to know only when you told me. Let me see what can be done.”
Avinash added that a lot of people have the footage of the film and mostly likely one of them would have leaked it. The scenes that have surfaced on the Internet feature Pankaj Tripathi along with Swara Bhaskar.
Also read: Anaarkali of Aarah’s trailer shows Swara Bhaskar in bold, beautiful and all new Bhojpuri avatar
Anaarkali of Aarah is a story of an erotic singer who ran into trouble after she stood up against a powerful man who molested her. Her struggle to teach the guilty a lesson and how society increased problems for her forms the essence of the story. The trailer which was released a few days ago hinted how Swara refused to bow down to the misogyny in the society.
Now that few scenes of the film have been leaked online, we wonder if this will affect its collections. The film is slated for a release on 24 March.
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