Akshay Kumar’s much awaited upcoming release Toilet: Ek Prem Katha‘s trailer was launched recently. Since the release, it has been receiving praises from all corners and in a moment of pride for Akshay and team Toilet Ek Prem Katha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi lauded the trailer as ‘good effort.’ The flick is slated to release on August 11.
He retweeted the trailer, posted by the Khiladi Kumar yesterday and wrote alongside, “Good effort to further the message of cleanliness. 125 crore Indians have to continue working together to create a Swachh Bharat.”
To which Akshay replied, “Here is my humble contribution towards a Swachh Bharat.”
Good effort to further the message of cleanliness. 125 crore Indians have to continue working together to create a Swachh Bharat. https://t.co/C0XKPpguW7
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 12, 2017
Thank you so much honourable Sir Hope we succeed in changing mindsets and truly making a difference. https://t.co/Tfi99tIckR
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) June 12, 2017
The trailer has garnered more than nine million views in a day. It starts with Keshav aka Akshay Kumar repeatedly telling his father that he wants to get married. Then, we see him marrying a buffalo because he is a ‘manglik’.
Also read: Toilet: Ek Prem Katha trailer: Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar’s love story is a bit ‘hatke’ [Watch Video]
As the trailer moves forward, he meets his dream girl, Bhumi Pednekar, and both are soon married.
It is the morning after the marriage that Bhumi is rudely introduced to lota gang for Akshay’s house has no toilet. She soon leaves him due to this and Akshay, who is deeply in love with his wife, wants to bring in awareness about the risks of defecating in open and wants to build a toilet at home.
In the three-minute video, director Shree Narayan Singh manages to highlight the importance of sanitation in India. In spite of the serious social message, the fast-paced promo entertains you at all levels.
Divyendu Sharma, the Pyar ka Punchnama fame, plays Akshay’s friend.
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