After getting out from the jail, Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt has started shooting for his next film called Bhoomi in Agra but days after his shoot commenced, Dutt has to face a police complaint lodged against him. According to media reports, on March 3, while Sanjay Dutt was shooting the film while his bodyguards present at the spot allegedly misbehaved with the media personnel and local residents who tried to watch the superstar from Bollywood.
Within moments, a ruckus generated at the shooting location and the situation between the people and Dutt’s bodyguard turned violent. The media personnel later lodged a police complaint. While Sanjay Dutt was also present there, he apologised for the ill behaviour of his staff and asked the people to keep calm.
Agra: Scuffle between Sanjay Dutt’s bodyguards and reporters during shooting of film ‘Bhoomi’.
— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) March 3, 2017
‘Bhoomi’, directed by Omung Kumar will be Sanjay Dutt’s comeback film after he has been released from prison. The shoot for the film started on February 29 in Agra while the director had already taken to twitter and wrote,”The shoot has begun and so has the journey of #Bhoomi! Stay tuned for more updates”.
The set-up of the film has been put about 15 kilometres outside Agra to shoot for a wedding sequence. As soon as the shoot commenced, a huge number of people gathered to take a glimpse of their favourite superstar. However, the crew of the film was totally unprepared for the extent to which the fans would go to after they began to create a ruckus on the sets to get a glimpse of Dutt.
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