Model and actress Angela Krislinzki apologised to Hrithik Roshan for the misleading headlines, in a long Facebook post. A picture of the actress claiming Hrithik was her mentor and friend, earlier surfaced on the Internet. Taking a picture of the news item, Hrithik wrote on Twitter that he didn’t know her and that she was lying. Soon after Hrithik’s tweet, this became a discussed topic on tabloids and Angela also drew flak from fans of the Bollywood star.
Later in the day, Angela took to Twitter to clear the air. Her tweet read, “I respect you a lot sir and I am sorry for such misleading headlines. It’s really hurtful. I have admired you as an actor just like millions others but I have been fortunate enough to work with you in two TVCs. When I say mentor I meant someone who inspired my life in right direction. This all began during the press meet of my film, someone asked me how I thought of entering acting in spite of foreign looks, so I replied when I was shooting with Hrithik Roshan, his few inspirational words inspired me. He said work on yourself your acting nobody can stop you. My looks are also different but its your performance is that outbeats anything…that day changed and life and my acting journey began… the article only speaks about how inspirational you have been to me just like you have been to million others. I would like to apologise for any inconvenience occurred to you.”
Also read: Polish model calls Hrithik Roshan her ‘mentor’, actor asks ‘Who are you’?
After Angela’s tweet, Hrithik accepted her apology. In his tweet, Hrithik added it was graceful of Angela to clear the air.
Here is the exchange of tweets between them:
— Angela Krislinzki (@angelakrislinzk) April 4, 2017
@angelakrislinzk Yes misleading headlines indeed. Graceful of you to clarify and apologise though. Wishing you the best for your career
— Hrithik Roshan (@iHrithik) April 4, 2017
Also read: Why Hrithik Roshan’s latest cold-drink ad has left the only Indian to sail around the world angry
Apparently, Angela had told a leading daily that Hrithik took a part in her career choices and guided her. She also claimed that he called her multiple times to ask how was her career spanning out. Now, that Angela and Hrithik have sorted out their differences, maybe this entire episode can be put to rest.
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