Actor Preeti Jain and two others have been convicted by a Mumbai court for giving money to gangsters to kill Madhur Bhandarkar in 2005. Preeti had earlier accused Bhandarkar of raping her. However, the Supreme Court had quashed the case of the actress levelling the rape case against the filmmaker in 2012. The actress has also appealed to suspend the sentence of 3-years of imprisonment granted to her by the court on 28 October.
The prosecution also said that Jain had given a contract to gangster Arun Gawli’s aide, Naresh Pardeshi to kill Bhandarkar in September 2005, which is an year after she filed the rape case against the filmmaker.
The first complaint in the matter was lodged in July 2004 with the Versova police station. Preeti had alleged that the Fashion director had raped her 16 times after promising to cast her in his films. She had also alleged that Bhandarkar wanted to marry her. In 2005 though, she was arrested from Mumbai for hiring a contract killer to murder the filmmaker.
In 2011, Mumbai trial court even asked the filmmaker to face a trial. However, Bhandarkar moved to the High Court challenging the lower court’s decision where his plea was rejected. Even when the police had filed a report stating that the case against the director was ‘maliciously false’.
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