Priyanka Chopra has condemned the attack in the English City of Manchester during a concert of pop star Ariana Grande. The Bollywood actress expressed her grief and took to Twitter to write her reaction on the matter. In what is being touted as the deadliest attack in Britain in recent times, this incident has taken the world by shock.
Ariana Grande was attended by some 20,000 people, said reports. Police were after reports of an explosion. Sources said that while the cause of the blast in unknown, the North West Counter Terrorism unit is treating it as a possible terrorist incident. Officers have told the BBC there is a second suspect device near where the first explosion occurred.
As of now reporters have been moved from the scene. The area has been evacuated while authorities investigate the blasts. Emergency services and numerous ambulances were dispatched to the stadium area. Some of the concert-goers uploaded videos to the social networks showing people fleeing the area and screaming after the blasts.
Train service was suspended at Manchester’s Victoria Station, which is next door to the stadium, and all transport lines were reportedly cut by the authorities after the incident. Although the explosions sparked screaming and panic among the concert crowd, a spokesman for the singer said she was not hurt. Manchester Arena, formerly known as the MEN Arena, is the biggest indoor venue in the city with a capacity of around 18,000 for concerts.
Ariana Grande is an American singer and actress, she is best known for her songs like Side To Side, Bang Bang and Into You among others.
Also Read: Ariana Grande tweets she is ‘broken’ after blast kills 19 at her concert in Manchester
On the work front, Priyanka Chopra is gearing up for the release of her Hollywood debut film Baywatch. It features the Quantico star as Victoria Leeds in a negative role. The film also stars Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron in key roles.
Check out her tweet here:
My thoughts and prayers are with @ArianaGrande and everyone who was hurt at the concert in Manchester.. what is happening to the world..
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) May 23, 2017
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