Priyanka Chopra is gearing up for the release of her upcoming Hollywood debut flick Baywatch. The actor recently shared her look from the film as well. She is also shooting for the second season of American thriller series Quantico. However, she was elated on meeting a Hollywood star and expressed her excitement for the same.
The star is none other than Robert de Niro. Yes, the Hollywood actor known for portraying young Vito Corleone in Godfather II. Well, we will tell you the story behind this surprise encounter. PeeCee has made it to the jury of this year’s Tribeca Film Festival. The film festival was institutionalised in 2002 by Robert de Niro, Craig Hatkoff and Jane Rosenthal as a tribute to the lives lost in Tribeca area of Manhattan during the gruesome 9/11 terror attacks. Priyanka is excited to be a part of the jury and took to Instagram to share the moment with her fans.
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Priyanka is sharing screen space with Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron in Baywatch, which hits the theatres in the United States on May 25. The National Award-winning actor is currently at the peak of her career, thanks to a super success television career in the West. She is a regular appearance on several talk shows there and we have all the reasons to be proud of our desi girl.
Also read: Priyanka Chopra puts the sexy in scary in the latest Baywatch poster
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