Priyanka Chopra is an international star, enjoying a successful career in television and is all set for her Hollywood debut with Baywatch. The National Award winning actor has given an interview to a renowned fashion magazine and answered 73 questions posed by them. The actress posted a video of the interview on social media and social media is going crazy.
The 12-minute long interview has the Quantico star answering questions about her family, film career and misconceptions the Americans have about India. “The most common misconception that Americans have about India is that all of us have arranged marriages and that we speak Indian.” When asked what myths Indians have about people in the United States, she replied,” All Americans are super-rich and you can sue anyone here.”
Later in the interview, Priyanka revealed how she ate worms during a trip to Broadway. She also expressed her annoyance about how people mispronounce her name. PeeCee also said she had no qualms shaving her head for a role if the script demanded. During the interview to Vogue magazine, also spoke about the social media frenzy over the gown she wore at MetGala.
This was so much fun @voguemagazine #73questions
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) May 24, 2017
She recalled some memes that had her dress as a car cover, tent, a flying carpet and others. If you are a Priyanka Chopra fan, this video will help you to know more about the actor. The actress also said she had a huge crush on American rapper Tupac and said she would go down on her knee and ask him for marriage.
Also read: Not all brown girls are same: Priyanka Chopra to western media
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