You might not have seen Priyanka Chopra gracing the ongoing Cannes Film Festival like other actresses including Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Sonam Kapoor and Deepika Padukone, but her presence was felt at the event without even being present there. The first look of actress-producer Priyanka Chopra’s Sikkimese film Pahuna has been unveiled at the Cannes Film Festival. Priyanka is producing the film through her and her mother Madhu Chopra’s banner Purple Pebble Pictures.
Priyanka couldn’t make it to the fest, but Madhu along with her son Sidharth Chopra attended the trailer launch of Pahuna, directed by Paakhi A. Tyrewala, at the festival on May 21.
Madhu said in a statement: “It was a huge honour for everyone associated with Pahuna to attend the prestigious festival and present the film’s first look.”
Pahuna is a story about the love, strength, and courage of three Nepali children who get separated from their parents while fleeing the Maoist agitation from Nepal to Sikkim. The entire cast and many of the technicians are from Sikkim.
As the title of the film suggests, the poster of Pahuna (The Little Visitors) puts the spotlight on two local children giving intense looks. In the background, one can see the little girl cooking something in a pot and the boy looking after a baby.
Check out the poster here:
Also Read: Here’s why Priyanka Chopra is missing the special preview of Baywatch
Tyrewala said: “Thirteen years ago when I went to Darjeeling and Gangtok, I realized how easily I was accepted by the people as one of their own. Soon, I forgot that I was a guest and began to see the mountains as my home and that has never changed.”
“In Pahuna, I wanted to capture not only the beauty of Sikkim but also the beauty of its people. ‘Pahuna’ is the story of people of Sikkim. My vision is not to take Sikkim to Bollywood, but to bring Bollywood to Sikkim!”
On the work front, Priyanka is gearing up for the release of her Hollywood debut film Baywatch. Slated to release this summer, the film also features Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron.
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(With Inputs IANS)
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