Priyanka Chopra has faced the ire of social media users once again, only this time it has nothing to do with her dressing sense or the clothes she wore. Apparently, Priyanka made a statement during the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), in which she called Sikkim an insurgency-affected area. She was attending the film festival for the premiere of her production film Pahuna – The Little Visitors. During an interaction with the press, Priyanka said this was the first movie to come out of Sikkim and that it was a small state in India, affected by insurgency. Yes, she said that! Obviously, such a huge statement could not go unnoticed and so, without much delay, Twitter jumped in to do their bit.
The 35-year-old actress said, “This is a Sikkimese film. Sikkim is a small state in the Northeast of India which never had a film industry and no one made films from there. It is the first film that’s ever come out of that region because it is very troubled with insurgency and troubling situations. This film is about two kids and their perspective on the refugee crisis on being moved from one place to the other without understanding why they are suddenly packing their bags and leaving and religion. It speaks about all those things from a kid’s perspective.”
Here is the video:
While we appreciate all the initiatives PeeCee has taken up, but we feel it would have been great if Priyanka could have got her facts right. And that’s what many Twitter users pointed out. They said Sikkim was one of the most peaceful states in India, and the crime rate was almost negligible. Not only this, Priyanka’s statement that Pahuna is the first film to come out of Sikkim, is wrong at many levels. In 1975, a film called Romeo In Sikkim released which was set in the state. Sikkim has also produced an acclaimed filmmaker Prashant Rasaily who has helmed movies like Katha and Acharya. Katha, screened at many International films festivals including 14th Mumbai International Film Festival.
This goof-up by Priyanka was not forgiven by netizens. They slammed the actress for not knowing general things about her country. Here are the tweets:
I strongly condemn the statements of @priyankachopra against #Sikkim.
Shame on you #PriyankaChopra— SunCha KurumBang (@SunchaKurumbang) September 14, 2017
Priyanka go and check the facts…. if not then Google it.. get the information and then statement
— Saurabh (@Saurabh_jain_9) September 14, 2017
@priyankachopra Sikkim is the most peaceful state in the country. From where did u hear its troubled with insurgency??think before u speak
— Zigmi Bhutia (@zigmi_bhutia) September 13, 2017
There’s only one meaning to it n she also stated that this is sikkim’s first film.Seriously dude she has no idea wat she’s talking about.
— Zigmi Bhutia (@zigmi_bhutia) September 14, 2017
She must be reading Chinese & Paki newspapers. #Sikkim #PriyankaChopra
— రావి త్రినాథ్ (@TrinathRaavi) September 14, 2017
Isn’t it sad that someone who aims to promote Sikkim and talk about the lives of its people, don’t even know the basic things about it?
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