Priyanka Chopra, who is ruling in Hollywood like a pro, is reportedly executive producing a comedy series about Bollywood’s dancing diva Madhuri Dixit’s life for US network ABC. According to an exclusive report by, the yet untitled series is based on the real life of Madhuri, who will also executive produce the project.
The story would follow how Madhuri settles down in the suburbs of the US with her bi-cultural family and tries to bring her colourful lifestyle to an otherwise dull town. In reality, Madhuri had taken a break from showbiz when she married Sriram Nene, who was based in the US back then and shifted to Denver from Mumbai to start a family. The mother of two sons returned to showbiz around five years ago and continues to be one of the most charming beauties in the Hindi film industry.
Sri Rao, a writer for shows like General Hospital: Night Shift, will pen the pilot and executive produce the series, as will Madhuri’s husband.
Just last month, Madhuri had teased something new and exciting was going to be announced. She had tweeted:
Loving downtime in the US. Back up soon with announcements. Til then enjoy!
— Madhuri Dixit-Nene (@MadhuriDixit) June 23, 2017
Other names attached to the project include Mark Gordon and Nick Pepper through the Mark Gordon Company (MGC), while ABC Studios will co-produce the show with MGC, reports
Priyanka currently stars on American show Quantico, which is going into its third season. Earlier this year, she made her Hollywood debut with Baywatch, and she is now shooting for romantic comedy Isn’t It Romantic with Liam Hemsworth.
Also read: Priyanka Chopra looks stunning chilling with Liam Hemsworth while shooting for Isn’t It Romantic
Inputs- IANS
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