After releasing the powerful trailer of Sushant Singh Rajput and Kriti Sanon starrer Raabta, the makers have now released its first track. Titled Ik Vaari Aa, the song seems like a happy separation number. In this 2 minutes and 39-second long video, Kriti and Sushant’s sweet love relationship can be seen. Unlike other break-up songs, Ik Vaari Aa seems to a different kind of separation song. When we hear about separation, we instantly make a decision that it definitely captures dark and sad side of the couple. But interestingly, this song gave a slight twist to its viewers.
In this, the audience will get to see Sushant and Kriti parting ways on a happy note, as the duo can be seen reminiscing the old good time they shared together. Sharing the songs link on his twitter handle, Sushant wrote: So here’s the first song guys, #IkVaariAa . Hope you like it
Sung by Arijit Singh, the song is a happy love track which will definitely give you some major relationship goal to deal with your breakup on a happy note.
Also Read: Raabta trailer starring Sushant Singh Rajput and Kriti Sanon is out
Sushant, who is rumored to be dating Kriti since quite some time now, has garnered great response for their fresh on-screen pair in the latest release trailer. This is the first time the duo will be seen romancing each other. Directed by Dinesh Vijan, the film will connect two different eras. Featuring Sushant as Shiv and Kriti as Saira, it will also give the audience a chance to capture the duo’s tribal avatar and will only make you more curious about the storyline of the film.
Slated to release on 9 June this year, the film also features Varun Sharma. It also has Rajkumar Rao in a never seen before avatar, as he will be seen essaying the role of a 324 years old.
Watch the trailer here:
Also Read: 32-year-old Rajkummar Rao plays 324-year-old in Raabta. Check out his stunning transformation
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