Shah Rukh Khan starrer Raees which became the first member of the Rs 100 crore club this year, earned Rs 1.24 crore on the 16th day since it’s release. The film hit the screens on 25 January and has now in its third week. The total Box Office collection of the film is now Rs 160.76 crore in the domestic market. Across the world, Raees has minted over Rs 300 crore.
Set in 1980’s Gujarat, Raees showed Shah Rukh Khan in the role of a bootlegger Raees Alam. His fight with the administration and thirst to get powerful by the day formed the crux of the story. Apart from Shah Rukh, the film also featured Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Mahira Khan. All the actors were appreciated for their performances.
Though Raees released with Kaabil, the Box Office clash did not affect its collection. The film continued to maintain its stronghold at the Box Office, a testimony that Shah Rukh Khan is indeed the King of Bollywood.
Also read: Shah Rukh Khan’s Raees gets banned in Pakistan; censor board says it undermines Islam
However, Raees’s victory march at the Box Office would end soon with the release of Jolly LLB 2. The Akshay Kumar starrer hits the theatres today and is expected to make solid profits. The courtroom drama features Akshay in the role of Jagdishwar Mishra, a lawyer.
Trade pundits have said the film will earn over Rs 10 crore on the first day and the numbers will only increase in the coming days. It is now left to be seen what the lifetime collection of Raees will, finally, come to. As of now, the makers can rejoice that the film is still minting money.
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