Seems like Shah Rukh Khan hasn’t let the bitterness that comes with a Box Office clash harm his personal relations. In a recent interview, SRK addressed the ongoing battle between his film Raees and Kaabil. Striking an emotional chord, Shah Rukh said that had his father been alive, he’d have made him meet Rakesh Roshan.
The statement of Shah Rukh Khan comes a few days after Rakesh Roshan threatened to quit Bollywood if dirty practices prevailed. The makers of Kaabil alleged that they were given a lesser share of screen count after being promised that the distribution would be equal. Roshan said that he had a talk with concerned exhibitors before the release about screens distribution and hoped they would keep their word.
But on the D-Day, things changed and Rakesh confessed that he was deeply hurt. Even his son and the actor of Kaabil Hrithik Roshan tweeted in support of his father. Using the hashtag ‘I am with Papa’, Hrithik hoped the grace was kept intact.
Also read: Raees vs Kaabil fight turns nasty. Check out this tweet by Hrithik Roshan (SRK wouldn’t like it)
Though no one from the team of Raees responded to these allegations, Shah Rukh Khan’s statements hint that he has not led sourness creep in. He said:
I always keep my friendship and business separate and I feel it should be like that. They are my friends and I wished Hrithik and team Kaabil all the best. I hope their film does amazing business.
Shah Rukh has reiterated many times that the clash won’t harm his relationship with the Roshans.
As of now, Raees has taken the lead in the clash by earning Rs 46.70 crore in two days. On the other hand, Kaabil has earned close to Rs 30 cr since its release on Wednesday.
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