As Shah Rukh Khan’s Raees and Hrithik Roshan’s Kaabil are all set for a big clash at the box office, filmmaker Rakesh Roshan seems to be least affected by it. In a recent interview to a leading daily, Rakesh hinted that if he ever worked on a two-hero movie like Karan-Arjun, he would cast Hrithik and Shah Rukh in the lead. The filmmaker said that in this case, both the actors will have equal roles.
With this statement, Mr Roshan had definitely given a reason for celebration to cine buffs. At a time when Box Office clashes tend to sour relationships in Bollywood, his thought of roping in Shah Rukh with Hrithik paints a different picture altogether.
This, however, is not the first time that Rakesh has shown his relationship with SRK won’t change despite the clash. In recent interviews, Rakesh said he tried his best to avert the clash but since it isn’t possible, he couldn’t do anything about it.
Speaking on the same lines with his father, Hrithik Roshan, too recently said that movies and business could clash, but friendships shouldn’t change.
Also read: Raees vs Kaabil: Hrithik Roshan gives a damn to the Box Office clash, says ‘nobody owns the date’
About his equation with Shah Rukh, his wife Gauri and the family, Rakesh said that he was very fond of them. He added:
I am really close to his entire family. I remember shooting for Krazzy 4 (2008) in which Hrithik was supposed to do a special number. But he had to back out at the last moment due to a knee injury. When I discussed the problem with Shah Rukh Khan, He immediately agreed to do the song. Hrithik will also star in my movies. If ever I work on a two-hero film like Karan Arjun where both male actors have equal roles, I will approach Shah Rukh.
Well, this movie would really be something to look forward to.
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