After creating headlines for a video in which Mahira Khan was seen pleading to Ranbir Kapoor at the Global Teacher Prize event, the duo is once again grabbing everyone’s attention. This time both Ranbir and Mahira were spotted together on the streets of New York. Pictures of the duo went viral in which the actors can be seen smoking together. Though the source of these pictures is unknown, it is being said that these are from New York, where Ranbir is currently shooting for the biopic based on Sanjay Dutt.
In the latest pictures, while Mahira was seen sporting a white backless short dress, Ranbir looked dapper in his casual look. Ever since several images and a video from the Global Teacher Prize gala night found its way to the internet, it sparked the rumours that the actors were dating each other. However, while talking to a leading daily, when the Jagga Jasoos star was asked about his relationship status, he had said:
I have never been single in my life. Since the age seven, I have always been in a relationship. This is the first time I am single and it’s amazing. You have a lot of time for yourself. I’m not meeting anybody. The only people you meet are the film industry people and eventually, the only people you start talking to are actresses.
Meanwhile, the actors’ latest images are something which has now become the talking point for the Twitteratis. Though no one is sure about what’s cooking between them, some of the Twitter users were quick enough to respond to the pictures. Take a look:
if ranbir and mahira are actually dating that’ll be the first interesting bollywood gossip of 2017
— pari (@sansaslady) September 21, 2017
Y mahira is dating ranbir ranbir is good for nothing stupid flop actor just lyk tusshar kapoor
— akajhonnydepp (@johnnydepp0089) September 22, 2017
Saw a pic of #ranbir n #mahira smoking in dark..seriously why oh why..
— ~Ramya~ (@muskuratilife) September 22, 2017
Putting everything to rest, Mahira and Ranbir actually look amazing together#MahiraKhan #RanbirKapoor
— Nada! (@HaleemNada) September 21, 2017
Plot twist mahira and Ranbir are literally just friends lol
— hamburguesa (@zaynskapoor) September 21, 2017
I totally believed the Mahira & Ranbir blinds. Weird couple.
— Hichki (@oyebabli_) September 21, 2017
Check out the images shared by a Twitter user here:
Also Read: Why is Mahira Khan pleading with Ranbir Kapoor in this viral video?
On the work front, Pakistani actress Mahira Khan’s last Bollywood outing was Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Raees, while Ranbir was last seen in Anurag Basu directorial Jagga Jasoos.
Check out Mahira Khan’s pleading video here:
Watch mahira khan pleading ranbir Kapoor via @YouTube
— hyderabadiadda (@hyderabadiadda) March 22, 2017
Ummm… what’s smokin between the two?
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