Actor Irrfan Khan had once said that it’s difficult to make films on politics in India. The actor had said this in a context, during the release of his then upcoming movie, Madaari. Films with politics in the backdrop have always been under scrutiny. While, of course, Censor Board is one problem, the fear of influencing common men against or in favour of a particular political party or person is the other.
A biopic on former Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh, is being made, where Anupam Kher has been finalised to play the character of Dr. Singh. The film, which is an adaptation of controversial book — The Accidental Prime Minister, will be released later in 2018. The first poster of the film was released of late, revealing the actor’s look in the film, and it created just the right buzz. However, a controversy also erupted with the arrival of the poster. The current Censor Board chief, Pahlaj Nihalani said that the film will have to require an NOC from Dr Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi before its release in the country. Here’s what he said:
“The makers of The Accidental Prime Minister – producer Sunil Bohra and Ashoke Pandit, would have to get an NOC (No Objection Certificate) from Manmohan Singh ji, Sonia Gandhi ji and all the other real-life politicians who are part of the narrative. This rule applies without fail. There are no exceptions. And although my current tenure as the CBFC chairperson ends in January 2018 and this film will come up for censorship after that, I am sure the guidelines regarding biopics would remain unchanged.”
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Yes, this is just the beginning of the problems that any filmmaker would face if the subject of the film is this political in nature. But, at least, now we have a film being made on a person who has been a pivotal part of Indian political history. As we wait for this film to roll, here follow a few other prominent names from the world of Indian politics and our suggestions on who would play them the best on screen. Check this out:
However, if you wanted to take the game a little forward and stretch our imagination a little further in marrying Bollywood and politics, here’s what biopic posters and titles of politicians’ films would look like. Thanks to good peeps at Scroll Droll for creating this:
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