Ranbir Kapoor has addressed the burning issue of nepotism in Bollywood and it must be said he has given quite an honest response to it. Speaking to a leading daily, Ranbir said he was a product of nepotism and that it existed in the industry but he couldn’t do anything about it. He also added that it was unfortunate that people more talented did not get enough opportunities. Ranbir made these statements during the promotions of Jagga Jasoos which features Katrina Kaif opposite him and is directed by Anurag Basu.
“It exists in the film industry, and I am a product of nepotism. I am here today because of my parents. My father got an opportunity because of his father. So, I believe if my children choose to be actors, I would like to give them a platform,” Ranbir was quoted by a leading daily.
“If they want to be doctors I will provide them with the education and the backing. Films have been our family business for the past 85 years. Yes, it is unfair to a lot of people who are way more talented than us, but we do get opportunities, and we do get the attention,” Ranbir Kapoor added.
Ranbir Kapoor belongs to the Kapoor family, one of the most illustrious families of Bollywood. Now the scion of this family has spoken about nepotism and given a different outlook about it, we wonder what critics of this phenomenon will say about it.
The star will be seen in Jagga Jasoos. The film has been in news for three years now and will have Ranbir in the role of a detective. The trailer of the movie got good reviews and expectations from this movie are running high. It is left to be seen if the buzz around the movie translates to footfalls in the theatres.
(Source: Pinkvilla)
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