Ranbir Kapoor is gearing up for the release of his next Jagga Jasoos opposite Katrina Kaif. The actor finally breaks his silence over the remark of the Baar Baar Dekho actress. He said her comment of not working with him was not meant to be taken seriously. Clarifying the whole subject, Ranbir added that he shared an amazing partnership with Katrina, and she has always let him shine whenever he has worked with her.
“Katrina and I have an amazing creative partnership. I love working with her. She’s really allowed me to shine whenever I work with her and she’s very gracefully done that for me. She’s increased my stardom when she was a much bigger star,” a leading daily quoted Ranbir as saying.
Further talking about that particular incident, Ranbir clarified: “The honest truth behind it is that we were at a Facebook chat. I cracked a joke on her and she cracked it back on me. And she’s saying ‘It’s really fair that the media has taken just my joke and made this out to be like something that I just said. I wouldn’t say that.’ So yeah, it’s not true”.
Also Read: Did Katrina Kaif just openly say that she will NEVER work with Ranbir Kapoor again?
Recently, while talking to a leading daily when Katrina was asked if she would work with Ranbir in future, to that she said: “It’s very difficult. People now have proof that he is a very trying and testing person. Ranbir has also gestured [to me] to not work on a film together. It will never happen again.”
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Ranbir was rumoured to be dating Katrina for more than four years, however recently, speculations were rife that the duo called it a quit. It was also reported that both Katrina and Ranbir were not comfortable working with each other for their upcoming film. But the two put also the rumours at rest when they arrived together for the promotion of Jagga Jasoos. The duo seems extremely comfortable while promoting the film.
Directed by Anurag Basu, Jagga Jasoos is slated to hit the silver screens on July 14.
(Source-India today.com)
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