Ahead of the release of his much-delayed project Jagga Jasoos this Friday, July 14, actor Ranbir Kapoor promised to come up with its sequel. The film also features Katrina Kaif in the female lead. During an interaction with a leading daily, he talked about his plans post-Jagga Jasoos and revealed if his film will receive the good response they would come back with its sequel. The film has been directed by Anurag Basu.
“Beyond Jagga, of course, me and Katrina will stay in touch. But going back to the film, as Shruti and Jagga, we have stayed with them for three and a half year. So, if these characters are loved and people really talk about this character, then we will miss them more and will come back with a sequel as we are trying to make this as a franchise and hopefully, we will receive that kind of love and acceptance for us to take this forward”, said Ranbir Kapoor.
Ranbir Kapoor, who is making his debut as a producer with the film said everybody should make money, not just the producer. Present at a promotional event, when the Ae Dil Hai Mushkil actor was asked to comment on Salman Khan, compensating for the loss to the distributors due to his last release Tubelight, he said: “It’s been going on for years. My grandfather was a producer from 1950 and I think this home style of making films — where everybody makes money, not just the producer, the distributor and exhibitors — is a very healthy exercise. It’s very good to compensate when somebody loses money on something where you have kind of made money. But of course, it depends from person to person and from film to film”.
Also Read: Ranbir Kapoor finally talks about Fawad Khan’s ban controversy during Ae Dil Hai Mushkil
Meanwhile, he also condemned the much unfortunate Amarnath Yatra terror attack and said: “It’s completely an act of horror, my condolences to the families and the victims. I will try and contribute as much as possible. I think at times like these when the country has to unite, people from every corner of society should come together. I don’t understand the gain out of terrorism or why people do it. It is the worst side of human nature; it’s very shameful that it’s happening within our world.”
Jagga Jasoos also features Adah Sharma in a pivotal role.
Source: Indian Express/IANS
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