Ranbir Kapoor has finally started shooting for the much-awaited Sanjay Dutt biopic and his recent pictures from the sets are just amazing. The actor has completely gone into the skin of his character and is looking exactly like Sanjay Dutt.
RK has worked really hard for the film and is being praised by one and all. From growing his hair to gaining weight, the actor has done it all to portray Sanjay Dutt on screen.
The shooting of the biopic is taking place at the Madh Island on the outskirts of Mumbai and it takes the actor around 2 hours to reach there by car. And to cut that short, director Rajkumar Hirani has come up with a perfect solution.
Ranbir Kapoor and the whole crew of the film has decided to use the public transport. To reach the location, all of them travel by ferry which takes them only 10 minutes to reach.
Also read: Ranbir Kapoor gave 250 hours to learn something for Sanjay Dutt biopic. But what is it?
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In an interview with DNA, a source close to the film revealed that it was Hirani’s idea and people are super excited to see Ranbir travelling with them. He said:
The crew has been taking the ferry service from Versova jetty to Madh every day for over a week now. They don’t have a fixed time for boarding or coming back, as it depends on the shooting schedule. But no special concessions are made for them and they travel just the way others do.
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Sanjay Dutt biopic is scheduled to release around Christmas this year.
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