Taaha Shah, the actor of Anupam Kher’s Ranchi Diaries, did something recently for which he should be lauded. The actor visited kids at an NGO Smile Foundation and gave them life lessons. Taaha was seen enjoying with the kids and taught them few dance steps. But apart from this, Taaha spoke to kids about the importance of self-defense and taught few steps.
At a time when underprivileged kids don’t get much attention, Taaha needs to be appreciated for it. To make the entire experience enjoyable for them, Taaha played guitar for the kids and crooned popular Bollywood numbers. “I met kids at Smile Foundation and had one of the best times recently. We had an absolute blast as I love kids and get along very well with them. It was a fun afternoon and I showed them some dance moves and played guitar as well. These kids are so bright and full of energy. I’d also like to applaud Smile Foundation for their initiative ‘She Can Fly’ where the girls have been propelled to excel in all field and to get equal opportunities. I hope I can come back here soon to have a blast with the kids again,” said Taaha about the experience.
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Taaha was previously seen in movies like YRF’s Luv Ka The End, Dharma Productions’ Gippi and Excel Entertainment’s Baar Baar Dekho. The young actor is gearing up for Ranchi Diaries which is produced by Anupam Kher and is slated to release on October 5.
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