Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s relationship has always gained a lot of attention. On all the occasions when the two come together, they create headlines. The stars were spotted yesterday on a dinner date in Mumbai and were clicked by paparazzi. The two were spotted leaving the posh restaurants late on Friday night. Reports have it that even Yuvraj Singh was present at the venue.
Media reports suggest the two enjoyed themselves and also hit the dance floor. Ranveer and Deepika left at around 2 AM. The actor escorted his lady love to the car before going with a friend in another car. In the pictures, Ranveer showed his chivalry as he escorted Deepika to the car.
If you are a fan of Deepika and Ranveer then these pictures will surely make you happy:
Also read: Why is Twitter suddenly gushing over Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone’s old ‘kissing’ photo?
By going on a dinner date, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have put an end to all rumours which suggested they have broken up. They were reports that misunderstandings have crept in into the relationship and they have called it quits. But it looks like all is well between the two stars.
After working together in films liken Goliyon Ki Raas Leela: Ram Leela and Bajirao Mastani, Ranveer and Deepika will be seen together in Padmavati. The film is directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and tells the story of Rani Padmini, the brave Queen of Rajasthan. Shahid Kapoor will be seen in the role of Raja Rawal Ratan Singh. This magnum opus has been in news for a really long time and got shrouded in controversies. A fringe group in Rajasthan accused the ace filmmaker of distorting historical facts. They even manhandled the director and the group was slammed by many from Bollywood.
But after all these controversies, the film is finally set to release in November this year.
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