Ranveer Singh, who will be seen as Alauddin Khilji on the silver screen in the period drama Padmavati, suffered an injury on the head while shooting the climax of the film in Mumbai, a source close to the actor said. The Bajirao Mastani actor was rushed to a hospital to get medical aid and returned to shoot soon after. The source further added that the incident took place on the film’s set on Thursday.
“Ranveer hurt himself on the head while shooting for the film during a particular take but he was so engrossed in the performance that he did not realise it till cut was called. It was only after he started bleeding profusely from the head after ‘cut’ was called, did everyone realise that he was hurt badly.
“Ranveer received initial first aid on the set and was rushed immediately to a nearby hospital for immediate treatment. He completed the basic treatment and returned to the film’s set to complete his portions of the shoot. Rather than let his injury slow him down or impact the shoot, Ranveer completed the day’s work. He requires stitches on the head,” added the source.
Also read: Watch: Ranveer Singh is working hard for Padmavati and the results are massive
The film is directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. This Deepika Padukone, Shahid Kapoor and Ranveer Singh starrer will release on 17 November 2017. It is inspired by real life events of Rani Padmini and how Delhi’s ruler Alauddin Khilji fell in love with her.
Also read: Ranveer Singh’s throwback photo in a bathtub surfaces, Twitter laughs out loud
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