Day before yesterday, all of the Internet waited with bated breath for the trailer of Rajkumar Hirani’s Sanjay Dutt biopic, Sanju. As soon as it dropped, #SanjuTrailer (unsurprisingly) became India’s top trend on Twitter and there was a lot of chatter about it.
ALSO READ: Rishi Kapoor isn’t sorry for his abusive message to a Twitter user, his reaction confirms it
ALSO READ: Rishi Kapoor allegedly messages ‘F**k you b***h’ to a woman on Twitter, faces wrath of netizens
While a majority of the public seemed to have loved Ranbir Kapoor nailing the controversial actor’s stooped stance and his pained dialogue-delivery, there was another group that couldn’t buy this ‘whitewashing’, in what they called was a propaganda film.
ALSO READ: Ranbir Kapoor’s Sanjay Dutt Is A Deeply Flawed Man In The Fantastic ‘Sanju’ Trailer
So when a Twitter user, ‘Rajat’ (@ClassicFergie) expressed his not-so-pleasant views about the trailer, he got a DM from the lead actor’s (Ranbir Kapoor) father Rishi Kapoor.
Action and Reaction.
– Angoor Stark (@ladywithflaws) May 31, 2018
An avid, and almost always controversial Twitter user, this is not the first time that Rishi Kapoor has gone out of his way to privately send abusive messages to someone he disagrees with. It happened before when he cussed at someone in his inbox, over a petty disagreement in their political views.
Making a thread about how @chintskap keeps abusing people. And why he should be cancelled in 2018.
1.– Angoor Stark
Even stand-up comedian Aditi Mittal couldn’t stay out of this conversation and openly questioned why Rishi Kapoor wasn’t pulled up/called out for his repeated misbehaviour?
Rishi Kapoor keeps abusing people online, and every news and entertainment portal keeps covering his movies and interviews as if this kind of behaviour is NORMAL.
– hot takes 4 koolkidz (@awryaditi) May 31, 2018
Here’s an idea though, Mr Kapoor. Perhaps you could take the criticism in stride and if you cannot, perhaps express yourself without abusing? It’s hardly that difficult.
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