Rumours have it that director Rohit Shetty has approached Baahubali fame Prabhas and Salman Khan for his next. However, the director has now broken silence on the matter and refuted the news. Earlier it was reported that Karan Johar is keen to cast Prabhas in his Bollywood debut film. But then reports surfaced that not Karan but Rohit Shetty will give Prabhas his first Bollywood break.
Now, according to an entertainment portal, Rohit put all the rumours to rest by rubbished the news surrounding his upcoming film which reportedly featured Salman Khan and Prabhas. Reacting to the reports, Rohit said: “It is fake news! I’m in Spain for the last three weeks shooting for Fear Factor. I don’t know where this rumour started.”
Also Read: Is Prabhas really charging THIS much for his Bollywood debut with Salman Khan?
So as the director himself confirmed that there is no such movie in the pipeline, we must say this is probably a sad news for all Salman and Prabhas’ fans, who eagerly waiting to catch them together. Meanwhile, It is also being reported that Prabhas is charging a whopping amount of Rs 80 crore for this movie. According to a leading daily, a source said: “Prabhas is charging around Rs 80 crore for the film”. However, the official confirmation about the same has not been made yet.
Also Read Prabhas and Salman Khan to share screen in Rohit Shetty’s next. Is this for real?
On the work front, Rohit Shetty’s last directorial was Dilwale. Featuring Shah Rukh Khan, Varun Dhawan, Kajol and Kriti Sanon in main roles, Dilwale failed to leave a mark and did an average business at Box Office. As of now, he is busy with his next directorial Golmaal Again. Featuring Ajay Devgn, Tabu, Tusshar Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra among others, Golmaal Again is the fourth part in the successful Golmaal franchise.
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