Cricketer Sachin Tendulkar’s documentary drama film Sachin: A Billion Dreams is going strong at the Box Office and has collected Rs 27.85 crore in its opening weekend. And now, the Delhi government has declared two movies including Sachin: A Billion Dreams, a docu-drama on Sachin Tendulkar, and actor Irrfan Khan starrer Hindi Medium tax-free, an official said on Thursday.
“The government gave the approval to make films Sachin: A Billion Dreams and Hindi Medium tax-free in the national capital. An order in this connection has also been released,” the government official said.
Narrated by Sachin himself, the film takes viewers on an inspirational journey and tells how a Mumbai-based local boy went on to become the “God of Cricket”. It features various photographs and videos from Sachin’s past and includes interviews of his fellow cricketers and family members. The movie was released on May 26.
Sachin: A Billion Dreams has been written and directed by James Erskine and produced by Ravi Bhagchandka. It has been already declared tax-free in Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Kerala, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh.
Also Read: This is what MS Dhoni wanted in his biopic from Sachin Tendulkar’s ‘Sachin- A Billion Dreams’
The film faces tough competition with previously released big entertainers like Baahubali 2: The Conclusion, and Hollywood film Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge. However, the film has managed to leave a mark at the Box Office despite its unique genre.
Released on May 19, Hindi Medium story revolves around a couple who want to give their daughter the best education, so that she becomes accepted by the elite. Irrfan Khan starrer hit the theaters along with Arjun Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor starrer Half girlfriend.
Also Read: Sachin-A Billion Dreams: 5 big questions that the Sachin Tendulkar biopic failed to answer [Opinion]
The film also marked the Bollywood debut of Pakistani actress Saba Qamar. She has been appreciated for her strong screen presence in the movie. Hindi Medium has been directed by Saket Chaudhary.
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