Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan are the new BFFs in the Bollywood these days after filmmaker Kabir Khan managed to bring them together in Tubelight. The chemistry of both, Salman and SRK was amazing in the film. But we have a proof that their off-screen chemistry as good as their on-screen chemistry. Recently, a Tubelight’s making was released and filmmaker Kabir Khan seemed extremely happy in getting the both the stars under one roof.
Shah Rukh plays the character of magician Goga Pasha in Tubelight. In the video, both Salman and SRK can be seen having a great time while shooting the latter’s cameo role in the film. Both the actors seemed very friendly on the sets of the film.
Sharing his experience while filming Salman and SRK in one frame, Kabir Khan said “There are not too many people who can come into your film and demand attention. So I think it really needs to be Shah Rukh and Salman agreed with me and said ‘yeah Shah Rukh would be a great choice. We approached Shah Rukh and I must say that he has been very sweet about it. He has been very close to Salman…and Shah Rukh and I have known each other since college days. Infact it’s something not many people know but he was my senior in film school, in Jamia and I studied from his notes.”
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Talking about the scene where Goga, the magician entered, the director said,” I think it’s a magical scene. I think firstly to see Shah Rukh and Salman in one frame together was pure magic for us. The entire crew had a blast while shooting that scene. That was shot over one night. The energy on the set was so palpable.”
Also read: After Shah Rukh Khan does cameo in Salman Khan’s Tubelight, the latter does the same. Details here
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