Varun Dhawan replaced Salman Khan in the reboot of 1997’s classic comedy film, Judwaa. The actor believes that Khan will always be the original Judwaa as he made the characters of Raja and Prem iconic. At the trailer launch event in Mumbai, the actor revealed that Judwaa 2 would not have been possible without Salman Khan. He said:
“This film would not have been possible without Salman Khan. Twenty years back he made the characters of Raja and Prem iconic. He is the original and he will always be the original Raja and Prem. Thank you bhai and I hope you think I have done a good job.”
Jr. Dhawan recalled the memories of watching Judwaa at Chandan Cinemas in Mumbai and confessed that Judwaa was one of his favourite Salman Khan films. Talking about the pressure of taking the franchise forward, he said:
Honestly, when Judwaa released, I loved seeing Salman Khan in that avatar. I had enjoyed the packaging of the film and it is one of those Salman Khan films I loved as a kid. When I got the opportunity to act in Judwaa 2, I was clear about the fact that I want families and children to come out in huge numbers again to watch the film. In fact, this has been my vision ever since I started acting. Some of the best time I had with my family has been watching films. I used to watch films at Chandan for Rs 80. The films I used to watch one the big screen used to transport me into another world.
Varun also said that Judwaa 2 is technically the second time he is working with Salman Khan as the superstar had done the voice-over for Ganapati Bappa in Main Tera Hero.
“Technically, this is the second time Salman Khan and I have come together as in Main Tera Hero, he did the voice-over for Bappa. He is obviously a part of Judwaa 2 in a cameo,” said Varun.
Also read: Judwaa 2 is a reboot: David Dhawan finally talks about making Judwaa with Varun Dhawan
Directed by David Dhawan, Judwaa 2 is slated to release on September 29.
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