Salman Khan handed over Munni to her parents back in Pakistan in his 2015 blockbuster Bajrangi Bhaijaan. The film carried a message of peace between the two countries. Now, the actor has backed the need for dialogue with the neighbour, suggesting that those involved in war-mongering should be sent to the border. “Those who are ordering war should be sent to the forefront and asked to fight first. Their hands and feet will tremble and the war will be over in a day. Then they will sit across the table and hold talks,” Salman, who is promoting his upcoming film Tubelight, told reporters at a press conference.
“Basically, whenever there is a war, soldiers of both sides die. The families are left without their sons and their fathers,” Salman was quoted by PTI as saying. Salman’s statement was backed by his brother Sohail Khan, who said,”You can ask anybody but they will not say that war is good. They will say that war is bad… Whatever discussions, conflicts, they are solved across the table. It’s a negative emotion… Nobody supports it but it happens. Nobody knows why.”
Salman’s statement did not go down well with Shiv Sena who stated that the Sultan actor had ‘crossed all boundaries’. “The way he has said is indeed objectionable. Who doesn’t want peace? Why does he have to cross all boundaries,” Sena MP Arvind Sawant told reporters.
This is not the first time when Salman has spoken in favour of friendly relations with Pakistan. Last year, he invited the wrath of Shiv Sena by supporting Pakistani artistes, saying that art and terrorism should not be mixed together.
In Tubelight, Salman Khan plays an emotional man Laxman Singh Bisht, while Sohail essays the role of his brother who is a soldier. Directed by Kabir Khan, the film is set in the backdrop of 1962 Sino-India war. It features Chinese actress Zhu Zhu, late Om Puri and Mohammad Zeeshan Ayyub in pivotal roles. Shah Rukh Khan has done a cameo in the film. Watch the trailer of the film here:
Also read: Salman Khan reveals why he chose brother Sohail Khan over a ‘bigger star’ in Tubelight
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