The trailer of Salman Khan’s upcoming film Tubelight is already out. It has created a lot of buzz and the actor’s fans have already declared it to be a commercial success. Directed by Kabir Khan, the film is set in the backdrop of 1962 Indo-China War. Here’s an interesting fact about the film that will leave you surprised. According to reports, a total of 600 actors were cast to play army personnel.
According to the DNA sources, Kabir Khan requested the Indian Army to train his actors, to which they agreed. The actors underwent training and also attended boot camps organised by the Army. And the results were visible in terms of body language.
The war sequences have been shot in Leh as the director wanted the locations to be real. In fact, Sohail Khan plays the role of an army officer in the film.
The trailer of the film released on May 25 has raked in more than 9 million views on YouTube. Releasing on June 23, Tubelight features Salman Khan who plays the role of Laxman, an emotional human being staying in a village near the hills. Apparently, his brother (Sohail) plays an army officer who goes missing during the war. The film is an emotional story of Laxman’s quest for his sibling.
Produced by Salman and his mother Salma Khan, the film also features Chinese actress Zhu Zhu, late Om Puri and Mohammad Zeeshan Ayyub in pivotal roles. Shah Rukh Khan has also done a cameo in the film. It is after a long gap of 10 years when the two Khans will be seen in a film. In 2007, they shared screen space in Om Shanti Om, which was produced by SRK’s Red Chillies Entertainment.
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