Sanjay Dutt’s biopic that stars Ranbir Kapoor in the titular role has finally got a release date. The movie that has been in the news since it went on floors and it will now release on 30 March 2018. The movie is directed by Rajkumar Hirani and it will be released by Fox Star Studios, Vishu Vinod Chopra and Rajkumar Hirani. The title of this biopic is still not finalised, though the name Dutt has been doing the rounds of media for quite some time now.
Apart from Ranbir Kapoor, the movie stars Dia Mirza, Anushka Sharma, Sonam Kapoor and Karishma Tanna in pivotal roles. To get into the skin of the character, Ranbir Kapoor has gone through immense hard work. He put on a lot of weight and lost it too, to make his role look convincing. Pictures from the sets that was released a few weeks ago, left everyone amazed. The drastic transformation of Ranbir is definitely commendable and it has raised expectations from this biopic.
The movie traces the life of Sanjay Dutt from his rise to fall and rise again. Dutt has been controversy’s favourite child for a really long time. For illegal possessing arms, he was sentenced to prison. Last year in February, Sanjay Dutt finally walked as a free man past the bars of Yerwada prison in Pune. At one point of time, Sanjay Dutt was addicted to drugs and went abroad to get rid of this. He once revealed that when the people in the rehabilitation centre was shocked to know that Sanjay Dutt had not left one drug. Sanjay Dutt revealed it was his father who helped him during the process.
#BreakingNews: Sanjay Dutt biopic to release on 30 March 2018… Rajkumar Hirani directs… Stars Ranbir Kapoor… NOTE: Not titled yet.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) June 2, 2017
Fox-VVC-Rajkumar Hirani collaboration commences with Sanjay Dutt’s biopic, followed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s next directorial venture.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) June 2, 2017
Sanjay’s life will definitely make for a good biopic. Almost everyone wants to know what the actor was thinking during his dark years and how he got over it. We hope the biopic starring Ranbir does justice to Sanjay’s life story.
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