Rajkumar Hirani, Vidhu Vinod Chopra and Ranbir Kapoor launched the theatrical trailer of Sanjay Dutt’s comeback film, Bhoomi, at an event in Mumbai. When Ranbir Kapoor was asked to talk about the experience of essaying a character as complex as Sanjay Dutt in his biopic, the actor said that it was very difficult for anyone to portray Sanjay Dutt.
The actor believes that there was a lot to learn from the mistakes that Sanjay Dutt made which was one of the reasons why the biopic is special to them.
“When we started working on the biopic, I always thought that this isn’t a biopic, but a science fiction film. I couldn’t understand how Sanjay Dutt lived this life because in my opinion, no one can live life the way he did. When Sanjay Dutt messaged me to come for the trailer launch, I felt that I am launching the trailer of my own film, but later on my inner conscious said, I can never be Sanjay Dutt. I tried to imitate Sanjay Dutt for a year and I pray to god that people like what I have done in the film. Sanjay Dutt is a very important person for people of India and there is something that we all can learn from his life,” said Ranbir.
#RanbirKapoor & @duttsanjay posing with much swagger at the #BhoomiTrailer launch.pic.twitter.com/4E5chL4x7L
— Bhoomi (@BhoomiTheFilm) August 10, 2017
When Sanjay Dutt was asked if he had helped Ranbit Kapoor with the research about his life, the actor gave a rather witty answer. He said:
“Ranbir would take 50 years to do research on my life. He has been a very special part of my life and that is not because he is acting in my biopic. I have seen him grow up and our families shared a great relationship. I was not skeptical at all because Raju, Me and Abhijat sat for many hours and I laid the card out right in front of them. I have got nothing to hide and I never had anything to hide.”
Our director, the boss-man @OmungKumar talks about directing @duttsanjay and we can’t stop smiling. #BhoomiTrailer pic.twitter.com/auddTNcOxj
— Bhoomi (@BhoomiTheFilm) August 10, 2017
Rajkumar Hirani too spoke about the film and said that unlike most of the biopics in India, Dutt biopic would not be one-sided. Hirani said:
“We would talk about Sanjay Dutt biopic at the right time. All I can say right now that Sanjay Dutt had an amazing life and he has been brave enough to spell it out honestly to us. He is not scared to portray his life as it is on screen. He asked me to show whatever I wanted to and I would say he is a very brave man. Biopic’s can be very one sided but this one is a very open biopic.”
Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, Dutt will release on March 30, 2018.
The director-actor trio; @OmungKumar, @duttsanjay & @aditiraohydari are all smiles posing with the poster at the #BhoomiTrailer launch. pic.twitter.com/hK7jdyRWPe
— Bhoomi (@BhoomiTheFilm) August 10, 2017
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