Sanjay Dutt, who is all set for a comeback with Omung Kumar directorial Bhoomi, has pulled out of the third edition of Dhamaal franchise. Sanjay has been an integral part of the comical series since its inception, therefore, the makers were keen to cast the actor for the third part. However, citing date issues, Sanjay has gracefully walked out of the film. The actor has his dates locked till the end of 2018 with films like Torbaaz, Saheb, Biwi Aur Gangster 3 and also another collaborative project with Ajay Devgn.
The third installment, Total Dhamaal, was expected to roll out this year, but the fact that Dutt is unavailable has caused the film some delay. The makers are now on a lookout for a replacement for the actor
However, a source close to the development stated that Dutt’s busy schedule and already locked dates are not the only reasons why he won’t be doing the film. It appears to be that Dutt has consciously decided to not be a part of the film as it delves into adult comedy. He is refraining from such genres of films as he is not comfortable with his children watching him doing obscene stuff.
“Besides the issue of unavailability of dates, Dutt was not okay with the film’s adult comedy. He doesn’t want his children to see him in a film that has innuendo-laden jokes or crass humour,” the source stated.
Interestingly, the Munna Bhai actor is not the first actor to have backed out of the film. His co-star from Dhamaal (2007) and Doubla Dhamaal (2011) Riteish Deshmukh has also walked out of the latest installment.
Also read: Sanjay Dutt’s haircut for Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster 3 is bone chillingly menacing [See photo]
Sanjay Dutt’s next big screen outing Bhoomi is set for a release in the second half of 2017. The film also features Aditi Rao Hydari and Sidhant Gupta.
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