Sanjay Dutt’s comeback movie Bhoomi has added actress Aditi Rao Hydari as another star to its cast. She will essay the role of Dutt’s daughter in the film. For a while, there had been names that were floating around for this role, including Alia Bhatt, Shraddha Kapoor, Kriti Sanon and Sayyeshaa Sehgal. But the makers zeroed on Aditi’s name after ample thought, said director Omung Kumar.
Omung said they shortlisted Aditi’s name since she is in a good space right now and that he liked the way she emoted. The director called Aditi a relatively untapped actress. Saying why Aditi’s casting was perfect, Omung added the father-daughter relationship was an important part of the narrative. He said Aditi’s face perfectly blends softness and strength.
The Sarbjit director said that he liked to work with people who are unlikely to be cast with each other.
Revealing few details about Aditi and Sanjay’s bond in the movie, Omung further added that both their characters go hand in hand. While the role of Dutt is physically demanding, that of Aditi’s will display an array of emotions.
Citing their source, a daily wrote that Aditi and Sanjay have already blended well with each other, like they have known each other for years. This warm camaraderie will definitely benefit the movie.
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The movie is expected to go on floors next month with Sanjay’s wife Maanyatta Dutt giving the clap for the muhurat shot. Sandeep Singh, the film’s producer, said that they wanted to begin with the shoot near Taj Mahal. It is expected that many friends of Sanjay Dutt from USA, Dubai and Mumbai, will fly down to attend the muhurat shot.
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