Sanjay Leela Bhansali has granted a compensation of Rs 21 lakh to the family of painter Subhash Dhakiya, who met a tragic end while working on the sets of his upcoming film Padmavati. Besides this, the deceased painter’s colleagues contributed Rs 2 lakh for his family. Three members of Bhansali’s production house along with representatives of the cine workers’ union went to meet the painter’s wife on Wednesday.
Ten days ago, Dhakia fell from a height of five feet while making the sets for the film at Mumbai’s Film City. He died after receiving serious head injuries. This is not the first instance when an accident has occurred on the set of a film being made by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. A labourer was injured in an accident on the sets of Ranveer Singh starrer Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela.
Deepika Padukone, who is the female lead of the historical drama, expressed grief on Dhakia’s demise.
shocked and saddened by the news…may his soul rest in peace and my most sincere condolences to his family…
— Deepika Padukone (@deepikapadukone) December 25, 2016
Padmavati is a historical drama directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali with Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone and Shahid Kapoor in pivotal roles. The film chronicles the invasion of Chittore Fort in Rajasthan which took place in 1303 when Delhi ruler Alauddin Khilji carried out the attack with the intent to capture Rani Padmini of the kingdom. The film is scheduled to hit the theatres on 17 November this year.
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