Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s magnum opus Padmavati is in troubled waters once again and this time the film’s set in Kolhapur has been set on fire. Reportedly, the incident took place at around 10:30 pm on Tuesday when a group of 40-50 men armed with stones and lathis started damaging the property.
The entire property was set on fire and the cars parked outside were also damaged by them. The sets were under construction and a few animals were also present there when these unidentified men burned the sets. Apparently, the unidentified men also involved in a scuffle with the security guards present at the sets and police has managed to arrest some people involved in the matter as well.
According to several media reports, the unidentified men used petrol bombs to burn down the sets and the fire was ablaze till 4 am. Many of the antique props have also been completely damaged due to fire.
Earlier this year, the film’s sets in Jaipur were vandalized by members of the Karni Sena and director Sanjay Leela Bhansali was also assaulted and slapped by a few members of the group. After all the drama, the shooting of the film had to be canceled and the matter became a national issue.
Apparently, the Karni Sena claims that the film distorts the historical facts and disrespects Rani Padmini. However, SLB has clarified it many times that the film will only make people proud and will not hurt anybody’s sentiments.
While the entire film industry came out in support of the filmmaker, the Karni Sena made their point clear that until Bhansali will give them a proper written agreement saying that there will be no dream sequences between Rani Padmini and Alauddin Khilji, they will not allow them to shoot the film.
The movie stars Deepika Padukone as Rani Padmini, Ranveer Singh as Alauddin Khilji and Shahid Kapoor as Raja Ratan Singh.
Here’s a look at some pictures from the sets:
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