Despite a compelling storyline and the hit father-daughter duo from Dangal, Secret Superstar opened to a mediocre response, raking in around Rs 4.50 crore on its opening day. It is believed that the biz of the new Zaira Wasim – Aamir Khan film- Secret Superstar, was badly hit due to Diwali. While the family drama fared poor across the country, cities like Bangalore and West Bengal turned out to be the best performing circuits.
The day post-Diwali is often considered the biggest in terms of Box Office collections. In the past, films like Prem Ratan Dhan Payo, Happy New Year, Shivaay and Ae Dil Hai Mushkil did tremendous business the day post-Diwali. With positive reports flowing in favour of Secret Superstar, the business is expected to take off post-Diwali.
Secret Superstar released across nearly 2000 screens in India, which is far big a release for a film belonging to this genre. Secret Superstar is a low budget film and it should easily recover its investment, however, an interesting thing to see here is if the film manages to emerge a sleeper hit like Taare Zameen Par (2007).
The word of mouth and audience response is similar to the 2007 super hit film, and the trade is hopeful that the film would recreate the magic. Apart from Zaira Wasim and Meher Vij, even Aamir Khan’s character (which has a bit of comic element) in the film is garnering a lot of attention.
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