Aamir Khan launched the first song ‘Main Kaun Hoon’ from Secret Superstar at an event in Mumbai today. The actor introduced the first real secret superstar from the film, Meghna, a 16-year-old girl who has sung the song. Khan said that Meghna is one of the finest talents he has worked with and wished the debutante all the luck for her future.
It has been noticed over the past few years that the ‘Diwali releases’ of movies actually release on the day after Diwali. However, with Secret Superstar, Aamir has decided against the conventional strategy by bringing the film’s release on the Diwali day. When asked about the reason to take this decision, the superstar said,
“We were trying to release the film in August, but then we were not ready with the film. We were looking for the next best release date. Diwali is a great period to release. Traditionally speaking, we Indians are busy celebrating Diwali on the Diwali day which is the reason why collections drop drastically. So the Diwali day isn’t considered good for theater collections as it is a very important day for Indians.
People go to watch films on the day post Diwali and that is the reason why producers and distributors release their film on the day post Diwali. That day helps in creating new opening day records. Diwali is a very holy day to release a film and the collections on that day would not matter to us. We wanted to release on a day which is emotionally important to us.”
Secret Superstar will clash with Golmaal Again at the Box Office during the festive period and when asked to comment about the clash with the comedy franchise, which has a loyal fan following, Aamir said,
“I think Diwali is a period which has the bandwidth to take two releases so that was never the concern. Usually, you have two films releasing during Diwali and rarely you have only one film in Diwali. So the festival has the space to take two films. I think both films will have their own space. I also think that the genre seems to be very different. Golmaal is an out and out entertainer and this has got an emotional story. So I don’t think it is a clash.”
Directed by Advait Chandan, Secret Superstar is slated to release on October 19.
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