Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s magnum opus ran into huge trouble today when members of Karni Sena protested on the sets of Padmavati in Jaigarh Fort, Jaipur. Reports have it that SLB was assaulted and slapped on the sets by few members of the group. To control the situation, his bodyguard is reported to have fired gun shots in air. The group is said to have problems with the way Rani Padmini of Chittor is being portrayed in the film.
This is the same organisation which had problems with the release of Ashutosh Gowariker’s Jodhaa Akbar. Back then they said the name of Jaipur princess married to Akbar was wrongly shown in the film.
Padmavati stars Deepika Padukone as Rani Padmini, Ranveer Singh as Delhi’s ruler Alauddin Khilji and Shahid Kapoor in the role of Raja Rawal Ratan Singh.
The protesters are said to have damaged the equipment as well. The police reportedly rushed to the sets to control the situation.
This is not the first time that any group has posed a problem for a historical drama film. A few months ago, Hardik Patel led Patidar Navnirman Sena threatened the makers. Hardik threatened that his party will stall the shooting of the film if Sanjay Leela Bhansali doesn’t talk with Rajput leaders. He wanted an assurance from him the film would be based on facts and claimed that SLB hasn’t studied history properly. Hardik had told a daily:
Bhansali should give assurance of not damaging Rani Padmavati’s image, or else Patidar Navnirman Sena will hold protests against the movie across the country, and will not give permission for the film to release in Rajasthan. No director has the right to damage history for entertainment
Reports have also emerged that Bhansali’s security had air fired to chase away an angry mob.
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