Shah Rukh Khan is currently shooting for the Indian version of TED Talks. Titled TED Talks: Nayi Soch, the show will feature a mix of Hindi and English speakers from different walks of life sharing their experiences. Shah Rukh was filming an episode when the news about Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh’s sentencing broke. The 51-year-old actor was quick to express his views on the issue. But the channel has reportedly scrapped the segment.
According to reports, Shah Rukh immediately took to the mic when informed about the self-styled godman being sentenced to 20 years in jail in two rape cases. “The director will not like as it is not a part of the show, but I am really happy that Ram Rahim Singh has been sentenced,” he was quoted saying by a leading news website.
Although the actor did not say anything that would generate a controversy, it is suggested that the channel has omitted the portion of him mentioning Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh. It is unclear whether the channel took a conscious decision of self-censorship in order to avoid any unnecessary trouble in wake of the Dera chief’s sentencing or was warned by the godman’s supporters.
Also read: Clash of Khans on small screen: Shah Rukh Khan’s TED Talks to clash with Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 11
On August 28, Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment in two rape cases of sadhvis in his ashram. His sentencing came exactly three days after he was convicted by a special CBI court in Panchkula, triggering widespread violence perpetrated by his supporters across Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi/NCR.
Meanwhile, the promo of Shah Rukh Khan’s TED Talks: Nayi Soch will air in October and the show’s airtime may possibly clash with Bigg Boss 11, which begins from September and will continue on till January.
Also read: Clash of Khans on small screen: Shah Rukh Khan’s TED Talks to clash with Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 11
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