Shah Rukh Khan, who is on a promotional spree for his recent release Jab Harry Met Sejal, met with an accident and injured his back while on his way to Kolkata to promote the film. Due to this, he was forced to delay his arrival by flight. It is to be noted that SRK is the brand ambassador of West Bengal and has been city hopping for the promotions of his latest romantic release. However, the cause of the injury was not immediately known.
Bollywood’s King of Romance took to Twitter and shared the news of the accident. While replying to a comment of a leading daily on the micro blogging site, SRK apologised for the delay of the event and said that he had to visit a doctor as he has got hurt. Shah Rukh, Anushka Sharma and director Imtiaz Ali visited a mall in Kolkata to meet their fans and then address the media. This is not the first time that SRK has suffered an injury. Earlier this year, he underwent a minor shoulder injury.
Also read: Jab Harry Met Sejal Box Office Day 1: Shah Rukh Khan film opens decent but below expectations
Be there in 10 mins. Apologies to keep u waiting had to get a bit of dressing done…for a lil hurt. So had to c a doc
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) August 5, 2017
Meanwhile, Jab Harry Met Sejal was off to a decent start at the Box Office as the film raked in approximately Rs 15.25 crore on its opening day. The film was poor at the single screens across the country and the multiplexes in cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Punjab, Bangalore, Mysore have acted as a savior in this case. The film released on approximately 3300 screens in India and it recorded an average occupancy of 40% on its opening day.
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