Besides being a successful Bollywood star, Shah Rukh Khan is a doting father to his three children. He never misses an opportunity to spend time with Aryan, Suhana and AbRam whenever he is free from work. Now, the actor has claimed that he plays with his children because at his age he did not have any. “I play with my children’s toys now. People find it odd and think perhaps I’m just a good father, but that’s not true. I’m just a father who didn’t have toys,” the Raees actor told GQ magazine. Having lost his parents at an early age, Shah Rukh defied the odds and rose to the pinnacles of stardom. He said that the void created due to the death of parents can never be filled.
During the interview with the magazine, SRK spoke on a lot of topics concerning his stardom, success and failure. “Success has a lot of masters, friends and well-wishers. But failure is lonely,” the superstar said. However, Shah Rukh maintained that failure helps one to get rid of arrogance and become more humble.
Meanwhile, Shah Rukh expressed his displeasure about his family being dragged over trivial issues. He recalled an incident when he tweeted about Sunny Leone’s Laila song from Raees only to find his Twitter wall was flooded with crude comments about his daughter Suhana. He said how he wished to develop an application that tracks such people indulging in filth and ‘fix them’.
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We are sure you must have got parenting goals from King Khan.
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