Indian celebrities like Priyanka Chopra, Sonam Kapoor, Shah Rukh Khan and international names like Taylor Swift, Dwayne Johnson and Harry Styles have condemned the Manchester attack, that took place on Monday night. A blast at Manchester Arena at 10.35 p.m. (local time) following a pop concert by singer Ariana Grande killed as many as 19 persons, while 59 were injured, the BBC reported.
Police were called to reports of an explosion at the concert venue where around 20,000 people had gathered. The cause of the blast is still unknown.
British Prime Minister Theresa May termed the attack as “appalling terrorist attack”.
The team of Ariana Grande had confirmed that the pop singer had escaped the blast unhurt. Grande later tweeted: “Broken from the bottom of my heart. I am so sorry. I don’t have words.”
Here is what the celebrities had to say:
Priyanka Chopra: My thoughts and prayers are with Ariana Grande and everyone who was hurt at the concert in Manchester… what is happening to the world.
My thoughts and prayers are with @ArianaGrande and everyone who was hurt at the concert in Manchester.. what is happening to the world..
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) May 23, 2017
Shah Rukh Khan: Extremely sad to start days when innocent lives are lost. Prayers for the deceased & strength to the families of the Manchester victims.
Extremely sad to start days when innocent lives are lost. Prayers for the deceased & strength to the families of the Manchester victims.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) May 23, 2017
Shabana Azmi: Im numb with shock.Cant make sense of whats happening in the world.Where is all this hate coming from?Manchester attack prayers 4 victims.
Im numb with shock.Cant make sense of whats happening in the world.Where is all this hate coming from?Manchester attack prayers 4 victims
— Azmi Shabana (@AzmiShabana) May 23, 2017
Dwayne Johnson: Our prayers and strength to the victims and their families involved in this tragedy in Manchester. Stay strong. Ariana Grande.
Our prayers and strengh to the victims and their families involved in this tragedy in Manchester. Stay strong. @ArianaGrande
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) May 22, 2017
Sonam Kapoor said, ‘I’m so angry and heartbroken at the state of the world. My thoughts and prayers with the victims and families in Manchester.’
I’m so angry and heartbroken at the state of the world. My thoughts and prayers with the victims and families in Manchester.
— Sonam Kapoor (@sonamakapoor) May 23, 2017
Sophie Choudry: WTH!! Targeting a concert largely full of kids and their parents?! What a sick world we live in! All my prayers for the victims…Manchester.
Riteish Deshmukh: Sad and Shocking news from Manchester… Prayers and thoughts with the victims of this terrible attack.
Sad & Shocking news from Manchester… Prayers & thoughts with the victims of this terrible attack.
— Riteish Deshmukh (@Riteishd) May 23, 2017
Masaba Mantena: Shocked to hear of what happened in Manchester. We are slowly but surely inching towards hell. Prayers.
Taylor Swift: My thoughts, prayers and tears for all those affected by the Manchester tragedy tonight. I’m sending all my love.
Amit Sadh: What to do when you wake up to this? Prayers for Manchester.
What to do when u wake up to this ? #prayersforManchester
— amit !! (@TheAmitSadh) May 23, 2017
Kylie Jenner: Wow wow wow I’m in disbelief. all of my prayers to Manchester.
Paris Hilton: Sending all my love and prayers to the people of Manchester.
Demi Lovato: Tearing up imagining innocent concert goers losing their lives.. praying for everyone.
Ellie Goulding: Sending love to those affected in Manchester.
Katy Perry: Praying for everyone at Ariana Grande’s show
Bruno Mars: No words can describe how I feel about what happened in Manchester. I don’t wanna believe that the world we live in could be so cruel.
Also read: Ariana Grande tweets she is ‘broken’ after blast kills 19 at her concert in Manchester
Pink: My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Manchester, any one affected, Ariana Grande and the entire crew. Heartbreaking
Ben Barnes?: What incomprehensible horror to target children at a concert. My thoughts are with those whose worlds have been upended tonight. Manchester
Black Eyed Peas: Sending so much love to Manchester.
Harry Styles: I’m heartbroken over what happened in Manchester tonight. Sending love to everyone involved.
Sabrina Carpenter: Just played Manchester…crazy… really don’t have words. I’m so sorry. should be a safe place. Thinking of all those affected.
John Stamos: We’re on tour a half mile away from explosion but safe! Insane world. Grab all the peace and love you can. Praying now. Manchester.
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