Shah Rukh Khan revealed the title of his upcoming movie directed by Imtiaz Ali and featuring Anushka Sharma. The title Jab Harry Met Sejal raised many eyebrows on the announcement. Apart from announcing the title the makers also revealed that the Shah Rukh Khan starrer will not clash with Akshay Kumar’s Toilet: Ek Prem Katha at the Box Office on 11 August. Earlier both these movies were scheduled to release on 11 August but now Jab Harry Met Sejal will release on 4 August.
Speaking about the aversion of the clash, Shah Rukh Khan told a leading daily during an interview that as solo release always benefits a movie. “I have always maintained that if possible, I would change the release dates of my films [to avoid clashes]. Earlier, another film was releasing on August 4, but when that one was removed from that date, we thought it’s a great weekend with the Raksha Bandhan holiday too falling then. Also, I think JHMS is in the space of a long-running film; it’s not a weekend-oriented film. So, we will get the benefit of the second big holiday — August 15 too. It’s that kind of film since it’s a classic love story,” the superstar was quoted as saying.
Only this year, Shah Rukh Khan clashed with Hrithik Roshan’s Kaabil at the Box Office. His Raees released on the same date but Shah Rukh Khan maintained that he wished to divert the clash even then. “Even for Kaabil and Raees, Hrithik (Roshan) and I had sat down to discuss [the avoidance of clash]. But [despite the clash], things are absolutely alright between us and it was unfortunate that we couldn’t avoid that, and released our films [on the same day],” Shah Rukh Khan added.
Shah Rukh Khan said that since he had a choice this time, he settled for 4 August. The title Jab Harry Met Sejal created a lot of buzz in social media. It is left to be seen if this buzz translates to footfalls at the theatres.
Source: Hindustan Times
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