Filmmaker Karan Johar is the new daddy in town. Naturally, Bollywood is pretty excited about these new turn of events and have been congratulating Karan Johar on becoming a father to twins- Roohi and Yash. As soon as Karan Johar confirmed the news of him becoming a father, congratulatory messages started pouring in with people across the country including the members of the film fraternity expressing their joy and blessing the Johar babies.
Amid all of this, what most of them were waiting for was Karan Johar’s closest friend and King Khan of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan’s reaction to the news. And of course, Shah Rukh had the best the reaction to Karan Johar becoming a father through surrogacy.
The star who walked the ramp for Manish Malhotra at the Mijwan charity fashion show asserted that he indeed was extremely happy for his friend but affirmed that it was a very private thing and Karan should be given that privacy and respect. Wishing Karan the best for the new development in his life, Shah Rukh Khan said, “We wish him happiness. But it’s still very personal. So, don’t think that I am being cagey by not answering about it. I have had this moment in my life so I know how personal it is. So, let’s respect it and leave it to that. We will have love, celebrations, happiness and health later.”
It is a known fact that Shah Rukh Khan who already had 2 children, Aryan and Suhana had his baby boy Abram through surrogacy in the year 2013.
Yesterday, Karan Johar surprised everyone by announcing the arrival of his twins through surrogacy with a heartwarming note on March 5 on his Twitter handle and said that both his kids are the most wonderful additions to his life. Karan confirmed the news with a heartwarming note on March 5 on his Twitter handle and said that both his kids are the most wonderful additions to his life.
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