Shah Rukh Khan, who inaugurated a new multiplex at a mall in Mumbai, said that with the advancement of technology, the quality of luxurious experience of movie viewing is increasing whereas the quality of cinema is going to the opposite direction. Speaking with the media, Shah Rukh Khan said that during his childhood he could watch good movies despite the poor quality of theatres. Shah Rukh Khan said that cinema theatres are taking over the quality of movies.
“Film watching is always experiential. This kind of beautiful, technically advanced theatre with 3D, leaser projection that offers good experience to our audience, also encourages us to make good films,” Shah Rukh Khan added.
The inauguration took place at the R City mall, Ghatkopar, located in suburban Mumbai, in presence of Siddharth Jain, the director of Inox Group of companies. With nine screen laserplexes, the 58,000 square feet theatre will offer movie goers a luxurious experience with interactive automated box office, interactive menu and LED video wall.
This statement by Shah Rukh Khan confirms that cinema has changed in the past couple of decades. With the advent of technology, the experience of watching a movie has improved. However, the quality of movies doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. It won’t be wrong to assert that Bollywood movies have nothing new to offer. It is more or less the same idea that is being processed and served to viewers.
However, things might be changing with time. And the latest example is Baahubali: The Conclusion. This SS Rajamouli directorial got rave reviews from viewers and was lauded by critics because of the cinematic experience it gave. The movie has smashed a lot of records at the Box Office and created few more.
While it is easy to agree with Shah Rukh Khan but we think the change will come soon.
(With IANS Inputs)
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