A few days ago a video of a baby pleading to be a little considerate while teaching lessons went viral. The clip got slammed by cricketers like Virat Kohli and Shikhar Dhawan, who requested the people responsible to show a little love to the child and not to resort to torture. It was revealed yesterday that the crying child is the niece of singers Sharib and Toshi Sabri, whose name is Haya. Toshi said in an interview how the video was not meant to be viral.
Now the singers have posted a video on Facebook saying they are happy to see the concern of people for their niece but there have been repercussions of it. The singers said, “We would like to thank Virat and Shikhar who showed concern. If we would have been at their place, we would have reacted in the same manner. The video was made to show to her father that she has become stubborn. Her mother is always worried about her and wants to ensure the child is raised in a right manner.”
Sharib and Toshi went on, “We humbly request everyone to show concern and put an end to this. She is just three years old. Now, things have taken a bad turn and everywhere she goes people take pictures and selfies- be it the park or play school. We want that this matter is put to rest and she is left alone. Please remember she is just three years old and doesn’t know why people are clicking her pictures. Kindly be a little thoughtful.”
Watch the video here:
Well, the singers are not wrong. The trend of clicking pictures is quite deeply imbibed in the human psyche these days and it would have been better if they understood the child is too young to understand it.
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