Sidharth Malhotra and Jacqueline Fernandez will share the screen space in their upcoming film A Gentleman: Sundar, Susheel, Risky. The chemistry between the stars in the trailer has created a lot of buzz and their fans are looking forward to the action-comedy flick that releases on August 25. Recently, reports surfaced that a kissing scene involving Sidharth and Jacqueline was to be trimmed, as ordered by former Censor Board chief Pahlaj Nihalani. The makers and the stars have finally broken their silence on the issue.
During the launch event of the film’s latest song Bandook, the team was asked about the concerned kissing sequence. When a reporter asked whether the liplock was curtailed, A Gentleman co-director Raj Nidimoru quipped,”First of all I want to know, where do these reports come from?” Meanwhile, Sidharth intervened claiming that it was the longest kissing scene.
“I don’t know about longest, but this is the most directed kissing scene that I have done. Raj has directed it shot to shot,” Jacqueline said. Nidimoru, in turn, joked,”I did not have to do anything I just had to say stop it guys.”
The Bandook Meri Laila song, featuring Sidharth and Jacqueline, has been sung by Ash King, Jigar Saraya and Raftaar. The music has been composed by Sachin-Jigar and features the two actors. The two-minute long video has Sidharth unleashing his action-hero avatar while Jacqueline scorches the screen with seductive moves. Check out the song video here.
Directed by Raj Nidimoru and Krishna DK, A Gentleman also features Suniel Shetty, Supriya Pilgaonkar and Rajit Kumar in pivotal roles.
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