Simran revolves around the life of Praful Patel, a girl from a conservative Gujarati family who lands in a big mess owing to her gambling addiction. Kangana Ranaut, as expected, delivers a phenomenal performance and essays the character of Praful Patel with much ease. She doesn’t go over the board at any point. Her portrayal of a Gujarati girl is so effortless and consistent that it is almost impossible to imagine someone else to essay Praful’s character.
Though the audience would relate to most o f the scenes, there are moments when the screenplay gets too repetitive. More than a journey of introspection, Simran is about how situations bring a change in the thought process of people.
Also Read: I was supposed to direct Kangana Ranaut in Sarabjit: Hansal Mehta on Simran and more
From the Box Office point of view, Simran will appeal to a very limited audience base restricted to the multiplexes in the four major cities of India. The film would find no takers among the masses for two reasons i.e. the treatment is too urban and the film doesn’t have a male protagonist. The fate of Simran at the Box Office would majorly depend on the word of mouth, which would be known by Monday.
The film should take a decent opening in India with the first-day collection in the range of Rs 2.50 to 3.00 crore. While the occupancy in morning shows would be poor, the biz should escalate as the day progresses. If the word of mouth is on the positive side, the opening weekend of Simran is expected to exceed Rs 10 crore, which would be great given the costs.
Box Office Prediction:
It would be difficult to predict the lifetime collection of Simran as the mood of Hindi film audience has changed in the past few years. However, since the audience base of Simran is too limited and the content isn’t as entertaining as Queen, we expect lifetime collections in the range of Rs 27.50 crore to Rs 32.50 crore.
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